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Move in meditation in this challenging, yet amazingly rewarding class. 

This is the famous Hatha series of

26 poses and 2 breathing exercises, always in the same order,

each pose preparing you for the next. This is just what the doctor ordered.

The dialogue is extremely

detailed and precise.

So take it exactly as prescribed,

and you’ll soon heal

your mind, body, and soul!




A moving meditation and a lot of fun. 60 minutes of it! We move from breath to posture, always to the sound of music to enhance your experience. It’s definitely a vibe. I also offer different pose options to choose from along the so you can modify when necessary according to comfort and ability. And we love options! So, book now, and lets flow, glow and grow. 


Some call this class 60 minutes of hell.

But you'll come back. Trust me!

You'll burn, sweat and sculpt your way into ultimate condition

using the principles of HIIT:

High Intensity Interval Training.

You got this!

  So let’s set the timer for 20 sec reps, grab our weights, bands and blocks and do this.

You ready? 


Love to Dance?

Stop by for this fun class.

It's a combo of

fitness, fun and laughter,

all at once!

Doesn't matter how good you are.  We're not here to go pro,

we're just here

to get fit and have fun! 





Stretch, stress (in a healthy way) and revive the tissues of the body. In essence, we'll be holding relatively long poses allowing time and gravity to do its magic. Use your own intuition to feel your own way around your body, all  while you relax into health and vitality. We provide props to support and deepen your practice.  So just bring yourself on this healing journey. 

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